A few fun facts about David start with his favorite color of the beautiful, the majestic, the awe-inspiring, neon green. Now in order to get to his favorite restaurant you are going to need to drive a little ways to P-Town (Portland for those of you who aren't into the cool lingo) where you will find the quaint mexican restaurant "Por Que No?" David would highly recommend it to all. A recent hobby he has picked up is Racquetball. If you're into a sport that is guaranteed to make you sweat and truly test your hand-eye coordination, try racquetball. Out of all of the classic musical numbers in the history of music, David has chosen to listen to "Call Me a Duck" by On the Rocks as his one song on an island. All you duck fans gotta love that selection! When David walks into a room filled with superpowers, he is going to walk up to the center of the room where the classic, most coveted superpower lies....Flying. Now some people may pick flying for the reason of feeling the wind in their face, to cruise from place to place around the world, but not David, he picks flying for the value of being able to save his money from being wasted on anything "car-like".
David Carcamo everybody! Give him a round of applause!
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